Root Canal Therapy in Rialto, CA

A root canal is a treatment used to save a tooth that has been badly damaged due to decay or infection. During a root canal procedure, the infected tooth pulp is removed, and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and sealed to prevent further damage and restore full function. The pulp, which contains the nerve and blood supply for the tooth, can become infected due to cavities, cracked teeth, or injuries.

Is root canal therapy painful?

Some patients are concerned about having a “root canal” and think it will hurt. This is not true! A painful or uncomfortable tooth can be a sign that you need a root canal, not the other way around. In fact, root canal treatment actually relieves pain caused by the infection inside the teeth.

In the past, a root canal was a painful process that often required multiple visits over several weeks to complete. However, thanks to advances in modern dentistry, root canal therapy can now be performed in a single visit using advanced techniques and sedation options to provide maximum comfort to patients. If you are experiencing oral pain, it’s important to schedule a dental visit as soon as possible to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. Ignoring an infected tooth can lead to serious oral health problems, including tooth loss.

What are the benefits of root canal therapy?

After receiving treatment for a cavity, you generally need to place a filling over the tooth. However, if the decay has progressed far enough to cause infection in the nerve of the tooth, you will need more extensive treatment. A root canal removes the infected tissue from the middle of the tooth and replaces it with a crown. This restores the tooth’s function and prevents further infection or the need for extraction. As a result, you get to keep your natural tooth instead of needing a replacement like a bridge or dental implant.

In addition to restoring your tooth, root canal therapy reduces your risk for other oral health problems. An untreated infection can lead to more cavities forming around the roots of your teeth, which may lead to a painful abscess. You may also have an increased risk of losing the tooth. Receiving root canal therapy stops the infection and allows you to keep your tooth where it belongs.

Finally, root canal therapy is more comfortable than you may believe. Modern technology makes the procedure faster and more efficient. Plus, we use local anesthetics to numb the area first. You’ll feel so much better after the treatment that you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!


The dentist in Rialto, CA will administer local anesthesia to numb the tooth and place a rubber dam around the tooth to keep it clean and dry during the procedure. Using a special tool called an elevator, they will create an opening in the top of the tooth to access the pulp chamber, which contains the nerves of the tooth. They will then remove the infected tissue from inside the tooth using small files and clean the canals and pulp chamber to remove any remaining bacteria and debris.

They will fill the inside of the canal with a biocompatible filling material to prevent re-infection and seal the opening. Finally, they will place a temporary crown to protect your tooth from breaking before a permanent crown is placed at a future appointment. You may feel some tenderness for several days following your treatment, but over-the-counter pain relievers can be used to help minimize discomfort. It is important to follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions carefully to avoid infection and ensure proper healing.

To find out more about the dental services offered at our dental practice, call (909) 820-9081 or schedule an online consultation. You can also visit us at 1735 N Riverside Ave Rialto, CA 92376.


Contact Us

1735 Riverside Ave,
Rialto,CA, CA, 92376


Phone: (909) 820-9081

Working Hours

MON - THU9:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRIBy appointments only

SAT - SUNClosed