Wisdom Teeth Extractions in Rialto, CA

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop on each side of the mouth, usually between the ages of 17 and 25. Since there is rarely enough space in the mouth for wisdom teeth to erupt properly, they may become impacted or grow at an awkward angle. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain and damage to the surrounding gums and teeth, as well as infection and cysts. In order to prevent these issues, wisdom teeth are often extracted.

How do wisdom teeth get impacted?

These third molars are a valuable asset to the mouth when they are healthy and properly positioned. Often, problems develop that require their removal. The most common problems are impacted wisdom teeth that are stuck in the jaw and cannot fully erupt for proper function. This can lead to pain, infection, and damage to the adjacent tooth and gums. Other causes of wisdom tooth extraction include decay/caries, gum disease, cysts, tumors, and more.

After an X-ray of your mouth is taken, your oral surgeon will determine the best route of treatment for your unique situation. If extraction is necessary, it is a simple procedure performed in our dental office's comfort. Recovery is typically quick, with minimal discomfort after the procedure. Most patients can eat soft foods the next day. 

When are wisdom teeth removed?

At our dental practice, our dentists may recommend extraction of your third molars if they are causing you pain or becoming impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth can result in infections of the gums or severe crowding in the mouth.

When the wisdom teeth only partially erupt from the gum line, this is called "impaction." When your wisdom teeth become impacted, they can negatively impact the surrounding teeth and the alignment of your smile. Impacted wisdom teeth may also cause severe pain and infection.

We offer comfortable and safe wisdom tooth extractions. Our dentist in Rialto, CA use sedation dentistry, including nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation, to make our patients comfortable throughout the procedure. Your comfort is our number one priority! If you believe you may need your wisdom teeth removed, schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists today. We look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams!

Types of extractions

There are two main types of tooth extractions. The first type of extraction takes place when the tooth is still below the gum line, like an impacted wisdom tooth. The second type of extraction occurs when a tooth has fully erupted above the gums, like removing a damaged tooth or one that's too crowded in the mouth. The extracted teeth can be replaced with dental implants for a permanent solution.

After an extraction, it is important to avoid rinsing the mouth for a few hours and to follow the dentist's aftercare instructions carefully. These steps can help to reduce the risk of infection and ensure proper healing. If you have any concerns about your upcoming extraction procedure, please contact our office for more information.

To find out more about the dental services offered at our dental practice, call (909) 820-9081 or schedule an online consultation. You can also visit us at 1735 N Riverside Ave Rialto, CA 92376.


Contact Us

1735 Riverside Ave,
Rialto,CA, CA, 92376

Email: davidnewshamdds01@gmail.com

Phone: (909) 820-9081

Working Hours

MON - THU9:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRIBy appointments only

SAT - SUNClosed