How To Maintain Good Oral Health At Home?

How To Maintain Good Oral Health At Home?

Posted by David A. Newsham DDS May 11,2023

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Did you know that many oral diseases can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene? Here's all you need to know.

Brushing Your Teeth Regularly

You should brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning upon waking and at night before going to sleep. This will prevent staining on your teeth and tooth decay. Remember to brush your tongue as well to prevent bacteria buildup.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that contains fluoride to help protect and strengthen your teeth enamel. You should also replace your toothbrush every three to four months or when the bristles become frayed.

Flossing After Every Meal

Once a day for healthy gums, flossing removes food particles and plaque between your teeth and gums. Although brushing cleans the surface of your teeth, it cannot get in between your teeth, where food and bacteria can get stuck and cause decay and gum disease. While brushing your teeth twice a day is essential for good oral health, you should also floss at least once a day to help remove bacteria and plaque from between teeth to prevent decay and gingivitis.

After you eat a meal, bits of food can remain trapped between your teeth and gums. Bacteria in the mouth will combine with the food particles and produce acids that attack tooth enamel, causing cavities. By flossing daily, you can prevent this buildup of food particles and bacteria and help maintain healthy teeth and gums. In addition to flossing every day, it is also a good idea to brush your tongue to remove bacteria from the mouth that can cause bad breath.

Rinsing Your Mouth With Mouthwash Daily

Drinking and smoking are two of the biggest contributing factors to tooth decay. It's recommended that you brush and floss your teeth twice a day and use mouthwash once a day to remove any leftover food particles and bacteria. Mouthwashes kill bacteria that can cause plaque, gingivitis, and cavities, so using one each day will help keep your oral health in check between checkups with the dentist at Dr. David Newsham DDS.

Eating a Good Diet

Eating a healthy diet is one of the best things you can do for your mouth, and it can help you keep your teeth strong and healthy. What you eat affects the structure of your jaw and how your body works overall. That's why eating foods that are good for your oral health is also good for your whole body's health!

So which foods should you avoid eating for good oral health? Sugary snacks like candy or potato chips can be bad for your teeth because sugar feeds the bad bacteria in our mouths that cause cavities and gum disease. Starchy foods like bread and crackers also break down into simple sugars that feed the bacteria in your mouth. Rinsing with water after eating can help wash away any leftover food particles from your meal.

Foods that you should add to your diet include those that are high in calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin K. Dairy products like milk and cheese are good sources of all three nutrients. Leafy greens are also a good source of calcium and vitamin K. Water should always be your first choice for hydration. Water helps remove food and plaque from the mouth while you chew and prevents dry mouth, which can increase your risk of tooth decay.

To find out more about the dental services offered at our dental practice, call (909) 820-9081 or schedule an online consultation. You can also visit us at 1735 N Riverside Ave Rialto, CA 92376.

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